Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Bibliographical Review.

Part 2: 1979–1989


  • Ilia Veviurko


Bible, Old Testament, Septuagint, research, criticism, bibliography


Abstract. The second part of the review of the Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS) covers the second decade of the history of this largescale scientific enterprise. During this period, generations of researchers are being changed, an the names of E. Tov, A. Pietersma, A. van der Kooij, M. Knibb, M. Harl, A. Aejmelaeus and others who remain leading in Septuagint studies to this day gradually come to the fore. At the same time, the research of the Septuagint focuses mainly on specific issues, although they are related to the
main desiderata outlined earlier — the creation of the lexicon for the language of Septuagint and as complete as possible description of its grammar. The final goal remains, as in the beginning, to find out the value of the Old Greek translation for criticism of the text of Biblia Hebraica.

Author Biography

Ilia Veviurko

PhD in Philosophy, Senior Teacher at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religion Studies at the Moscow State University, Associate Professor at the Department of Theology at the Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University





Notes and bibliographic review